The annual Migratory Bird Festival is a free, public event where residents and visitors alike can see, celebrate, and learn about the marvelous...
Category - Amuseum Naturalis
The museum “Amuseum Naturalis” on the French side of St Martin reopens its doors this weekend after a Summer and low-season break. Video...
After a long absence, one of the most elegant birds in the Caribbean returns to St. Martin. See the flamingos of the Orient Bay salt pond and learn...
In the summer of 2018, a group of scouts from France came to help St. Martin in its post-Irma recovery. This is a short film about the scouts at...
A Beautiful Sight to See
Like many people living in French Quarter at the time, Elise Hyman worked in salt production in Orient Bay in the middle of the last century. She...
At Amuseum Naturalis we have some very old photos that have become stuck together after getting wet. Can they be saved? Join us as we find out!
Laura Bijnsdorp from EPIC (Environmental Protection in the Caribbean) presents about wetland habitats at the 2015 Migratory Bird Festival, hosted by...
Les Fruits de Mer is starting a native plants nursery and they want to grow one of St. Martin’s most important trees: the red mangrove. Find...
Learn how to grow soapberry vines to feed soapberry bugs and find out why you might want to do that in the first place.
Part three of our how to video series on preparing skulls for your museum. If you haven’t seen them yet, don’t miss Part One and Part Two.